#!/bin/bash # # Script to ensure that md3000 does not have an issue # </dev/null c1opt=$(grep Optimal ${FILE1} | wc -l) c1on=$(grep Online ${FILE1} | wc -l) f1=$(cat ${FILE1}) rm -f ${FILE2} ${CMD} ${CONT2} -c 'show storagearray profile;' -o ${FILE2} >/dev/null c2opt=$(grep Optimal ${FILE2} | wc -l) c2on=$(grep Online ${FILE2} | wc -l) f2=$(cat ${FILE2}) if ((OPTIMAL != c1opt)) then COLOR='red' fi if ((OPTIMAL != c2opt)) then COLOR='red' fi if ((ONLINE != c1on)) then COLOR='red' fi if ((ONLINE != c2on)) then COLOR='red' fi MSG="status+90 $MACHINE.$COLUMN $COLOR ${DATE}

Controller 1 (${CONT1}):


Controller 2 (${CONT2}):

${f2}" echo "$BB $BBDISP ${MSG}" $BB $BBDISP "${MSG}" rm -f ${FILE1} rm -f ${FILE2}