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The targets at Encl:Slot <%d:%d> are dual ports of same drive.Invalid drive specified at Bus:%d Target:%d. The device is not a disk drive.The drive does not have 512 bytes block size.The device is a removable media.The device is of Unknown device type.The drive has one or more valid partitions.The drive is not attached to the current adapter.RAID10 Volume type is not supported by current controller firmware.Drives specified cannot be used as RAID member as they are a mix of SAS and SATA type drivesDrives specified cannot be used as RAID member as they are a mix of SSD and Non-SSD type drivesThe number of drives specified exceeds the maximum allowed for the requested volume typeThe number of drives specified exceeds the maximum allowed for all volumes combined in the adapter.The number of drives specified does not meet the minimum required to create a RAID volume of requested typeThe current firmware does not support 64 Bit addressing, so volume size greater than 2TB cannot be createdThe current controller has initiator-only firmware and does not support RAID. Please flash RAID0, RAID1, RAID1E or RAID10 enabled firmware to create a RAID volumeRequested volume type cannot be supported by current controller firmwareThe drive specified as HotSpare is not on the same controller where the RAID volume residesThere are no existing volumes on the controller to allow adding a HotSpare.There are no RAID1/RAID1E volumes on the controller to allow adding a HotSpare.The controller firmware supports only even number of drives for a RAID10 volume.The controller firmware supports only odd number of drives for a RAID1E volume.The controller firmware supports only even number of drives for a RAID1E volume.The drive must be at LUN 0.The drive could not be found.Unknown ErrorNo Errors returned7>HOV`jqx‘֑̑-SAS2004SAS2008SAS2108_1SAS2108_2SAS2108_3SAS2116_1SAS2116_2SAS2208_1SAS2208_2SAS2208_3SAS2208_4SAS2208_5SAS2208_6SAS2308_1SAS2308_2SAS2308_3UNKNOWNIBM IBM%cIR volume %d Inactive, Okay (OKY) Degraded (DGD) Failed (FLD) Missing (MIS) Online (ONL) Initializing (INIT) Unknown RAID0 RAID10 RAID1E RAID1 The PHY disks are %d IBMFRUibmfruwIOCStatus = %x Initiator at ID #%d Device is a other unknown device unknown Device Standby (SBY) Ready (RDY) Available (AVL) Hot Spare (HSP) Out of Sync (OSY) Offline Requested (OFLR) Failed Requested (FLDR) Offline Unknown (OFLU) Not Compatible (NCOMP) Rebuilding (RBLD) Optimal (OPT) %02xN/AHard diskSequential access devicePrinterProcessor deviceWrite-once deviceCD-ROMScannerOptical memory deviceMedium changerCommunications deviceStorage array controllerEnclosure services deviceSimplified hard diskOptical card reader/writer,>Pbtȓݓ1Are[N&;&Pez  3 ; L ^ e m         SAS2IRCU: failure reading SAS Device Page 0; MPTLIB Status = %#010x SAS2IRCU: IocStatus = %x IocLogInfo = %x IBM FRU/CRU : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IR Volume information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAS2IRCU: failure reading BIOS Page 2; MPTLIB Status = %#010x SAS2IRCU: failure getting RAID Volume count; MPTLIB Status = %#010x SAS2IRCU: failure getting RAID Volume Info; MPTLIB Status = %#010x Volume ID : %d Volume Name : %s Status of volume : RAID level : Size (in MB) : %lld Boot : Primary Physical hard disks :SAS2IRCU: failure getting RAID PhysDisk Info; PhysDisk Index = %d, MPTLIB Status = %#010x PHY[%d] Enclosure#/Slot# : %d:%dWARNING : Unable to open the specified file %s for logging Read configuration has been initiated for controller %s ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Controller information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Controller type : %s BIOS version : %d.%02d.%02d.%02d Firmware version : %d.%02d.%02d.%02d Channel description : 1 Serial Attached SCSI Initiator ID : %d Maximum physical devices : %d Concurrent commands supported : %d SAS2IRCU: failure allocating IOC page 1 SAS2IRCU: failure reading IOC page 1; MPTLIB Status = %#010x Slot : %d Slot : Unknown Segment : %d Bus : %d Device : %d Function : %d SAS2IRCU: failure allocating IOC page 6 RAID Support : No SAS2IRCU: failure reading IOC page 6; MPTLIB Status = %#010x RAID Support : Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Physical device information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAS2IRCU: failure getting adapter device count; MPTLIB Status = %#010x Total Number of Devices are %d SAS2IRCU: failure getting device info; dev Index = %d, MPTLIB Status = %#010x NOTE : Displaying first %d devices out of %d devices found SAS2IRCU: failure getting RAID volume count; MPTLIB Status = %#010x Total Number of HotSpares are %d SAS2IRCU: failure getting RAID volume info; MPTLIB Status = %#010x SAS2IRCU: failure getting RAID Phys Disk count; MPTLIB Status = %#010x Total Number of PhysDisks are %d SAS2IRCU: failure getting RAID Phys Disk Info; MPTLIB Status = %#010x SAS2IRCU: failure getting hotspare drive count; MPTLIB Status = %#010x SAS2IRCU: failure getting hotspare info; MPTLIB Status = %#010x Enclosure # : %d Slot # : %d SAS Address : %07x-%01x-%04x-%04x State : Manufacturer : Size (in MB)/(in sectors) : ???/??? Model Number : Firmware Revision : Serial No : GUID : Protocol : SATA Drive Type : SATA_SSD Drive Type : SATA_HDD Drive Type : Undetermined Protocol : SAS Drive Type : SAS_SSD Drive Type : SAS_HDD ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enclosure information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAS2IRCU: could not allocated memory. SAS2IRCU: failure reading SAS Enclosure Page 0; MPTLIB Status = %#010x Enclosure# : %d Logical ID : %08x:%08x Numslots : %d StartSlot : %d Primary Boot Slot : %d Size (in MB)/(in sectors) : %lld/%lld Graphics arts pre-press deviceSAS2IRCU: MPTLib2 Error %d SAS2IRCU: Controller out of range. SAS2IRCU: Controller not found. SAS2IRCU: Failed getting controller information. SAS2IRCU: Unable to issue IOCTL calls in the absence of LSI pseudo device driver. Adapter Vendor Device SubSys SubSys Index Type ID ID Pci Address Ven ID Dev ID ----- ------------ ------ ------ ----------------- ------ ------ %2d %s %04xh %02xh %02xh:%02xh:%02xh:%02xh %04xh %04xh Entering PopulatePhysDiskInfoList Exiting PopulatePhysDiskInfoList 1 PopulatePhysDiskInfoList Index Handle %x Exiting PopulatePhysDiskInfoList 5 Entering PopulateHotSpareInfoList Exiting PopulateHotSpareInfoList 1 PopulateHotSpareInfoList %d %d PopulateHotSpareInfoList Mem Failure PopulateHotSpareInfoList Memory Alloc successfull %d PopulateHotSpareInfoList 0x%x Exiting PopulateHotSpareInfoList 4 PopulateHotSpareInfoList Index Handle %x Exiting PopulateHotSpareInfoList 5 Exiting PopulateDeviceInfoList Exiting PopulateDeviceInfoList 1 GetDeviceInfo list Mem Failure Exiting PopulateDeviceInfoList 4 GetDeviceList Index Handle %x Exiting PopulateDeviceInfoList 5 SAS2IRCU: Invalid Encl:Bay value specified for disk : "%s"! SAS2IRCU: Only Enclosure:Bay option type supported Entering GetHotSpareInfoFromEncBayNum Exiting GetHotSpareInfoFromEncBayNum 1 Exiting GetHotSpareInfoFromEncBayNum 2 Enclosure is %d and Slot is %d Exiting GetHotSpareInfoFromEncBayNum %d Entering GetDeviceInfoFromEncBayNum Exiting GetDeviceInfoFromEncBayNum 1 Exiting GetDeviceInfoFromEncBayNum 2 Exiting GetDeviceInfoFromEncBayNum %d GetDeviceCount %d %d Memory Alloc successfull %d GetDeviceList Index 0x%x Enclosure and Slot matched DEVICE INFO 0x%x %s nopromptSAS2IRCU_DEBUGSAS2IRCU_DEBUG_LEVELhelp2011.08.1111.00.00.00Version %s (%s) DISPLAYSTATUSCREATEDELETEDELETEVOLUMEHOTSPARECONSTCHKLOGIRBOOTIRBOOTENCLACTIVATELOCATESAS2IRCU: Entering Execute Command %d SAS2IRCU: No command specified. SAS2IRCU: Invalid command specified. SAS2IRCU: Controller Index is greater than supported Controllers %d. SAS2IRCU: Invalid controller index specified. SAS2IRCU: No Controller Found at index %d. SAS2IRCU: Could not bring Controller to Operational state. SAS2IRCU: Error executing command %s. SAS2IRCU: Command %s Completed Successfully. SAS2IRCU: Controller Reset Failed. LSI Corporation SAS2 IR Configuration Utility. Copyright (c) 2009-2011 LSI Corporation. All rights reserved. SAS2IRCU: Utility Completed Successfully. SAS2IRCU: Error executing specified command. SAS2IRCU: Error in Initialization. wcacheqsyncAnswer is %s retString is %s YESAnswer is %s NOraid1raid1eraid0raid10The maxLBA is %d Physdisk Handle is 0x%x Unreachable code SAS2IRCU: %s SAS2IRCU: failure reading IOC page 6; MPTLIB Status = %#010x SAS2IRCU: failure getting Manufacturing page 4; MPTLIB Status = %#010x SAS2IRCU: Incorrect number of command line parameters for 'CREATE' command! SAS2IRCU: you must answer "YES" or "yes" to proceed; operation aborted! SAS2IRCU: you must answer "NO" or "no" to proceed; operation aborted! SAS2IRCU: Volume name specified is too long. Max 15 characters. ! SAS2IRCU: Invalid RAID volume type specified "%s"! SAS2IRCU: Invalid size specification "%s"! SAS2IRCU: Invalid size specification. It must be either 'MAX' or a valid size in mega bytes. The number of disks specified is %d SAS2IRCU: incorrect number of Devices specified! SAS2IRCU: Number of Devices should be in multiples of 2 for RAID10! SAS2IRCU: Insufficient number of drives available to create a RAID volume! SAS2IRCU: Number of drives specified is higher than number of drives available to create a RAID volume! SAS2IRCU: Insufficient Memory! SAS2IRCU: Drive specified by %s is not available to create a RAID volume. Raid Handle is 0x%x and added is 0x%x Please wait, may take up to a minute... %s(%d): Failure creating requested RAID volume; MPTLIB Status = %#010x SAS2IRCU: Volume created successfully. SAS2IRCU: Volume creation failed. SAS2IRCU2: failure getting RAID Volume count; MPTLIB Status = %#010x CFGGEN2: failure getting RAID Volume Info; MPTLIB Status = %#010x SAS2IRCU: failure deleting RAID Volume; VolumeID = %d; MPTLIB Status = %#010x SAS2IRCU: There is no RAID volume on the controller with Volume ID = %d ! SAS2IRCU: Couldn't remove existing RAID volume! CFGGEN2: failure getting RAID Volume count; MPTLIB Status = %#010x SAS2IRCU: Couldn't remove existing IR volume! SAS2IRCU: Invalid string passed as parameter. SAS2IRCU: Volume deleted successfully. SAS2IRCU: Volume deletion failed. SAS2IRCU: Invalid Volume ID specified "%s"! deleteSAS2IRCU: No Device found at %s to create HotSpare. SAS2IRCU: failure adding HotSpare drive; MPTLIB Status = %#010x SAS2IRCU: Hot Spare disk create failed. SAS2IRCU: Hot Spare disk created successfully. SAS2IRCU: failure deleting HotSpare drive; MPTLIB Status = %#010x SAS2IRCU: Hot Spare disk delete failed. SAS2IRCU: Hot Spare disk deleted successfully. SAS2IRCU: The %s is not a valid HotSpare device. SAS2IRCU: too many command arguments! SAS2IRCU: failure getting Raid Volume count; MPTLIB Status = %#010x SAS2IRCU: there are no IR volumes on the controller! %s(%d): failure getting Raid Volume Info for Volume Index=%d; MPTLIB Status = %#010x Current operation : Volume status : Volume state : Physical disk I/Os : Volume size (in sectors) : %lld Number of remaining sectors : %lld Percentage complete : %.2f%% SAS2IRCU: bad indicator data received from controller! total blocks = %lld Background command progress status for controller %s... IR Volume %d Synchronize Consistency Check Online Capacity Expansion Background Init None Enabled Disabled Optimal Degraded Failed Missing Initializing Online Quiesced Not quiesced B!5FCFGGEN2: RAID Volume Found. SAS2IRCU: Consistency Check Operation started on IR Volume. CFGGEN2: failure starting RAID Function; MPTLIB Status = %#010x SAS2IRCU: There is no IR volume on the controller with Volume ID = %d! SAS2IRCU: Insufficient resources, couldn't complete command! SAS2IRCU: RAID Volume Found 0x%x 0x%x. SAS2IRCU: RAID Volume not in INACTIVE state. SAS2IRCU: ACTIVATE Volume %d Passed! SAS2IRCU: ACTIVATE Volume %d Failed! SAS2IRCU: There is no IR volume on the controller with Volume ID = %d ! SlotStatus from SEP read = 0x%X. SAS2IRCU: LOCATE command completed successfully. SAS2IRCU: IocStatus = %d IocLogInfo = %d SAS2IRCU: SEP write request failed. Cannot perform LOCATE. SAS2IRCU: MPI passthru failed for SEP write request. Cannot perform LOCATE. SAS2IRCU: SEP read request failed. Cannot perform LOCATE. SAS2IRCU: MPI passthru failed for SEP read request. Cannot perform LOCATE. SAS2IRCU: Invalid parameter for drive identification. SAS2IRCU: Invalid value for Action parameter. SAS2IRCU: Drive specified by %s is not available. SAS2IRCU: Drive specified by %s is not a hard drive. Exiting CmndLocate ONOFFNVRAM Corrupt & ReinitializedNVRAM Mismatch OccuredFlash of New Image CompletedFlash of New Image StartedFlash General ErrorIR Volume CreatedIR Volume DeletedIR Volume State ChangedIR Volume Properties ChangedRebuild CompletedRebuild ResumedRebuild StartedPhysical Drive State ChangedGlobal Hot Spare CreatedBad Block Table is 80% FullBad Block Table is FullForeign IR volume activatedForeign IR volume deletedUnknown!OptimalDegradedFailedMissingUnknown! (%#x)OnlineNot CompatibleInitializingOffline RequestedFailed RequestedOther OfflineUnchangedEnabledDisabled Log Type: %s VendorId : %#x DeviceId : %#x SubVendorId : %#x SubDeviceId : %#x Image Type : %s DeviceId : %d EnclosureIndex : %d SlotNumber : %d TargetId : %d TargetId : %d PreviousState : %s NewState : %s LdLBA : %d PdLBA : %d TargetId : %d DeviceId : %d EnclIndex : %d SlotNumber : %d LBA : %d TargetId : %d Prev Cache Policy : %s New Cache Policy : %s DeviceId : %d EnclIndex : %d SlotNumber : %d BadLBA : %d CDB[0] : %#x SenseKey : %#x ASC : %#x ASCQ : %#x 0x%02X:%02X %02X %02X %02X %Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%SIR Log Data Parsed: %s sas2ircuLog created using %s v%s 00.00.10uploadclearlogir.logSAS2IRCU: failure allocating Log page 0 SAS2IRCU: Log config page 0 read failed! SAS2IRCU: Log config page 0 Header read failed! IR Firmware Initialization StartedData Scrub Corrected Medium ErrorData Scrub Completed with Uncorrectable ErrorsData Scrub Detected Uncorrectable Double Medium ErrorsFast Initialization Started on IR VolumeInitialization Completed Successfully on IR VolumeInitialization Failed on IR VolumeThe Physical Drive is not supported as a member of a RAID VolumePredictive Failure on Physical DriveRebuild Failed due to a Source Drive ErrorRebuild Failed due to a Target Drive ErrorThe Reassign Write Operation FailedThe Global Hot Spare is DisabledThe Global Hot Spare is not providing coverage for all the RAID ArraysSAS SATA Drive Mixing Detected in EnclosureThe SATA Bad Block was RemappedThe Physical Drive is too small to be used in the VolumeSAS and SATA Devices are being mixed in an IR VolumeThe Physical Device had a SCSI errorA Member of a RAID Volume was insertedA member of a RAID volume was removedAn IO to a Physical Drive returned a transmission errorThe Physical Drive had a media error during rebuildThe Physical Drive cannot be used as a replacement because the volume is failed Unknown Event Type! (%#x) Raw Memory of Log Data: [%02X %02X %02X %02X] ============================================= Number of Log Entries = %d on IOC: %d IR Log Definitions Revision Level: v%s NOTE: Timestamp is time when log entry was generated and is number of secs elapsed since the card was last reset. SAS2IRCU: Incorrect number of command line parameters for 'LOGIR' command! SAS2IRCU: Invalid action specified "%s"! SAS2IRCU: Error uploading IR Log entries! SAS2IRCU: Error clearing IR Log entries! SAS2IRCU: LogIR command failed. SAS2IRCU: LogIR command successful. p "7Lav 3H]r/DYn` M Q kQ   \             6        Q Q  6 6 %      Q Q SAS2IRCU: Incorrect number of command line parameters for 'BOOTIR' command! SAS2IRCU: failure writing BIOS Page 2; MPTLIB Status = %#010x SAS2IRCU: Volume specified by "%s" is not available! SAS2IRCU: Incorrect number of command line parameters for 'BOOTENCL' command! SAS2IRCU: Invalid parameter passed for 'BOOTENCL' command! SAS2IRCU: Drive specified by %s is not available. SAS2IRCU: Insufficient memory. displaycreatedeletevolumehotsparestatusconstchkactivatelocatelogirbootirbootenclSAS2IRCU: Invalid command parameter. MPTLIB2: [%3d,%3d]Debug Print format is:MPTLIB2: [ IOCStattus, IOCLogInfo ] File name: Function name: Line number: Description                          SAS Host %d6III6IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIHIIHIIHHIIIIIIIIIIII IIIHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!I!I!I!I!I!I!I!IGLqL\LqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLJJqLqLqLqLqLqLqLqLNKqLvIqLIqLIqLIIqLqLqLqLqLqL,KqL= >@0>LIBC_FATAL_STDERR_/dev/tty======= Backtrace: ========= ======= Memory map: ======== /proc/self/maps,ccs=m0iYpc@P@Sq Xg SQIRRssm0iOpcNGq[0I SQIRRssm0i LpcKHq[g SQIRRssp@pu0qqsspsqsssmalloc: using debugging hookscorrupted double-linked listmalloc: top chunk is corruptTOP_PAD_PERTURB_MMAP_MAX_TRIM_THRESHOLD_MMAP_THRESHOLD_Arena %d: system bytes = %10u in use bytes = %10u Total (incl. mmap): max mmap regions = %10u max mmap bytes = %10lu free(): invalid pointerfree(): invalid sizemalloc(): memory corruptionrealloc(): invalid pointerrealloc(): invalid old sizerealloc(): invalid next size*** glibc detected *** %s: %s: 0x%s *** free(): invalid next size (fast)free(): invalid next size (normal)double free or corruption (fasttop)double free or corruption (top)double free or corruption (out)double free or corruption (!prev)munmap_chunk(): invalid pointermalloc(): memory corruption (fast)/ɴ5WUnknown error ANSI_X3.4-1968//TRANSLITG H G W W G pTZ/etc/localtimeUniversalUTC%[^0-9,+-]%hu:%hu:%huM%hu.%hu.%hu%nGMT../TZDIRrcTZifposixrules/usr/share/zoneinfo%H:%M%m/%d/%y%Y-%m-%d%I:%M:%S %p:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[<:::::::::::::::::::::::::::<=>@:AFMAC:::=C::F:GEEEFM.FDDK:::::: L`CJJ#M:FM`C:qDDwHGG:LH:SH,E,JI:JHHIbb]bbbubVbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbg%iYilih)hhggffffffffffffffffh/ifhfh5hffffuh9iuhihvif5h9ig9iffffffffffffffUhffffffffUhUh_h5hhUhifffffffiihh/ihhhggggfffgggIhh h/i?h5h5h)hhgh hggviffOiEi9i/i/i/i/igggggggfffffffffffffffffffffffgfgffffffffffffffffffgggggffffggggggggggggggffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff  @  @ "@#@% 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Eg.dispData.txt  `    0   `  p @  sas2ircu ... where is: Number between 0 and 255 where is: DISPLAY - display controller, volume and physical device info LIST - Lists all available LSI adapters (does not need ctlr #> CREATE - create an IR volume DELETE - Delete entire RAID configuration on the selected controller DELETEVOLUME - Delete a specific RAID Volume on the selected controller HOTSPARE - make drive a hot spare STATUS - display current volume status info CONSTCHK - Start Consistency Check operation on the specified IR Volume ACTIVATE - Activate an Inactive IR volume LOCATE - Locate a disk drive on an enclosure LOGIR - Upload or Clear IR Log data BOOTIR - Select an IR Boot Volume as primary boot device BOOTENCL - Select an Enclosure/Bay as primary boot device HELP - Display help information where are: Command specific values; enter "sas2ircu " to get command specific help The format of the CREATE command is sas2ircu create [Volume Name] [noprompt] where is: A controller number between 0 and 255. where is: The type of the volume to create and is either RAID1 (or) RAID1E (or) RAID0 (or) RAID10. where is: The size of the RAID volume in Mbytes or 'MAX' for the maximum size available. Size other than 'MAX' is not supported. where is: A list of Encl:Bay pairs identifying the disk drives you wish to include in the volume being created. If the volume type is 'RAID1', the first drive will be selected as the primary and the second as the secondary drive. For a type 'RAID1' volume exactly 2 disks must be specified. For a type 'RAID1E' volume min of 3 disks must be specified. For a type 'RAID0' volume min of 2 disks must be specified. For a type 'RAID10' volume min of 4 disks must be specified. where [Volume Name] is an optional argument that can be used to identify a Volume with a user specified Alpha-numeric string where noprompt is an optional argument that eliminates warnings and prompts You are about to create an IR volume. WARNING: Proceeding with this operation may cause data loss or data corruption. Are you sure you want to proceed (YES/NO)? WARNING: This is your last chance to abort this operation. Do you wish to abort (YES/NO)? WARNING: You are creating a volume with size other than 'MAX'. Do you want to continue with volume creation (YES/NO)? sas2ircu DELETEVOLUME [volumeID][noprompt] where is: Number between 0 and 255 VolumeId of specific volume to be deleted where noprompt is an optional argument that eliminates warnings and prompts You are about to delete an existing RAID Volume on a controller. This command will delete the specified RAID volume and associated HotSpare drive(s). WARNING: Proceeding with this operation may cause data loss or data corruption. Are you sure you want to proceed (YES/NO)? WARNING: This is you last chance to abort this operation. Do you wish to abort (YES/NO)? sas2ircu DELETE [noprompt] where is: Number between 0 and 255 where noprompt is an optional argument that eliminates warnings and prompts You are about to set defaults on a controller. This command will also delete any existing IR volumes and any HotSpare drives. sas2ircu HOTSPARE [delete] where is: Number between 0 and 255 where is: Enclosure and Bay # of drive that will become the hot spare disk. WARNING: Proceeding with this operation may cause data loss or data corruption. Are you sure you want to proceed (YES/NO)? WARNING: This is your last chance to abort this operation. Do you wish to abort (YES/NO)? sas2ircu STATUS where is: Number between 0 and 255 sas2ircu CONSTCHK [noprompt] where is: Number between 0 and 255 where is: Volume Id as shown in the DISPLAY command where noprompt is an optional argument that eliminates warnings and prompts You are about to start consistency check operation on the specified IR Volume. Are you sure you want to proceed (YES/NO)? sas2ircu ACTIVATE where is: A controller number between 0 and 255. where is: A valid Volume Id of an Inactive IR volume sas2ircu LOCATE where is: A controller number between 0 and 255. where is: A valid Enclosure and Bay pair to identify the drive where is: ON - turn ON the drives LED OFF - turn OFF the drives LED The format of the LOGIR command is sas2ircu logir [] [noprompt] where is: A controller number between 0 and 255. where is: upload - Uploads IR log entries to a file (default logir.log) clear - Erases IR log entries in the controller where is: An optional valid filename used with 'upload' action. If no filename is specified, default of logir.log is used. where noprompt is an optional argument that eliminates warnings and prompts WARNING: Proceeding with this operation will erase all log information stored in the controller. Are you sure you want to proceed (YES/NO)? The format of the BOOTIR command is sas2ircu bootir where is: A controller number between 0 and 255. where is: The Volume ID identifying the RAID Volume you wish to make as primary boot device. The format of the BOOTENCL command is sas2ircu BOOTENCL where is: A controller number between 0 and 255. where is: an Enclosure and a Bay pair identifying the disk drive you wish to make as primary boot device. sas2ircu HELP where is: Command name of the supported sas2ircu command. Example: sas2ircu help create sas2ircu LIST Displays all supported controllers present in the system. Examples: sas2ircu list sas2ircu DISPLAY [filename] where is: Number between 0 and 255 and optional argument [filename] is any valid filename to store output of DISPLAY cmd. Examples: sas2ircu 0 display sas2ircu 0 display disp.txt sas2ircu CREATE [Volume Name] [noprompt] where is: A controller number between 0 and 255. where is: The type of the volume to create and is either RAID1 (or) RAID1E (or) RAID0 (or) RAID10. where is: The size of the RAID volume in Mbytes or 'MAX' for the maximum size available. Size other than 'MAX' is not supported. where is: A list of Encl:Bay pairs identifying the disk drives you wish to include in the volume being created. If the volume type is 'RAID1', the first drive will be selected as the primary and the second as the secondary drive. For a type 'RAID1' volume exactly 2 disks must be specified. For a type 'RAID1E' volume min of 3 disks must be specified. For a type 'RAID0' volume min of 2 disks must be specified. For a type 'RAID10' volume min of 4 disks must be specified. where [Volume Name] is an optional argument that can be used to identify a Volume with a user specified Alpha-numeric string where noprompt is an optional argument that eliminates warnings and prompts Examples: sas2ircu 0 create RAID0 MAX 1:0 1:1 testVol Sas2ircu 1 create RADI1E 300 1:4 1:5 1:8 noprompt sas2ircu DELETE [noprompt] where is: Number between 0 and 255 where noprompt is an optional argument that eliminates warnings and prompts. Examples: sas2ircu 2 delete sas2ircu 0 delete noprompt sas2ircu DELETEVOLUME [volumeID][noprompt] where is: Number between 0 and 255 VolumeId of specific volume to be deleted where noprompt is an optional argument that eliminates warnings and prompts Examples: sas2ircu 2 deletevolume 123 Sas2ircu 0 deletevolume 324 noprompt sas2ircu HOTSPARE [delete] where is: Number between 0 and 255 where is: Enclosure and Bay # of drive that will become the hot spare disk. Examples: sas2ircu 0 hotspare 1:6 sas2ircu 1 hotspare delete 1:8 sas2ircu STATUS where is: Number between 0 and 255 Examples: sas2ircu 0 status sas2ircu CONSTCHK [noprompt] where is: Number between 0 and 255 where is: Volume Id as shown in the DISPLAY command where noprompt is an optional argument that eliminates warnings and prompts Examples: sas2ircu 0 constchk 323 Sas2ircu 2 constchk 121 noprompt sas2ircu ACTIVATE where is: A controller number between 0 and 255. where is: A valid Volume Id of an Inactive IR volume Examples: sas2ircu 0 activate 211 sas2ircu LOCATE where is: A controller number between 0 and 255. where is: A valid Enclosure and Bay pair to identify the drive where is: ON - turn ON the drives LED OFF - turn OFF the drives LED Examples: sas2ircu 1 locate 1:3 ON sas2ircu 1 locate 1:3 OFF sas2ircu LOGIR [] [noprompt] where is: A controller number between 0 and 255. where is: upload - Uploads IR log entries to a file (default logir.log) clear - Erases IR log entries in the controller where is: An optional valid filename used with 'upload' action. If no filename is specified, default of logir.log is used. where noprompt is an optional argument that eliminates warnings and prompts Example: sas2ircu 0 logir upload noprompt sas2ircu 0 logir upload log.txt sas2ircu 0 clear noprompt sas2ircu BOOTIR where is: A controller number between 0 and 255. where is: The Volume ID identifying the RAID Volume you wish to make as primary boot device. Example: sas2ircu 0 bootir 232 sas2ircu BOOTENCL where is: A controller number between 0 and 255. where is: an Enclosure and a Bay pair identifying the disk drive you wish to make as primary boot device. 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